The site is constantly under construction.

Avid fan of Web 1.0, trying to remind myself of all the little HTML knowledge I used to have back in the days, I'm trying to create my own space using traditional web building tools. It might take a while for me to properly display my vision, so until then the site is constantly under construction.

2024.07.07: Started rearranging the website. Updated the Distorted subpage. Unfortunately I cannot seem to find the usual way to make the link graphics (I switched computers since the last time and I think... some data got lost), so I will probably have to redo them in different style, as I still have much to share. For now, I'll focus on updating the subpages and working on the new ones I have been thinking of for so long.
2022.10.16: Funny. I reminded myself of this space of mine while rewatching Psycho-pass... yet again. Also, I got myself some new hardware yesterday. So now I feel like powering up my creativity once more! For starters, see the Gaming subpage for some of my favourite Steam games out there!
2019.11.4: I finally managed to put the webite content into some kind of simple layout. It's been really a long time since I experimented, and HTML has evolved significantly since "my days", haha! It really feels like learning it all over again, from the scratch. But I hope I will be able to add some more content soon.
2019.4.17: As I wanted to monitor my progress with thesis readings, I decided it would be fun to create a subpage.
2019.3.20: Hey guys, I added a some new stuff to the Links. Found some 1.0 gems and I need to share them.