I am just an occasional gamer, but I treat games as any other story I can get immersed in, with the touch of interaction and control.

Stardew Valley
The cosiest of cosy, not just a farming game! One of those that hook you up within minutes. Spent hours on this one and I feel like coming back once in a while.
The Witcher 3
I actually finished it just a while ago, so it's still fresh. First game of such kind I ever played and I guess the standards are set high now!
You migh have heard of an anime. It's actually based on a game. Already know it in any of those forms? Play Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, I think it's even more fucked u... I mean, even better! And it fills the plot holes between the anime and the OVA
A futuristing noir mystery in nostalgic pixel 2D setting. Fantastic dialogues.